Nanomaterials for
OptoElectronics Lab

(76) Seung Hun Roh, Jaekyum Kim, Won So, Yuankai Li, Won Tae Hong, Hyun Min Kwon, Sae Byeok Jo, Wooseok yang, Byung-Keun Oh, Chan-Hwa Chung, Jongwook Park, Chisung Ahn, Byung-Hyun Kim, Jung Kyu Kim*, "Bidirectional Dual-metal Doping via Rapid Flame Process ", submitted
(75) Jong Hyeak Choe, Jaeseo Lee, Ju Young Kim, Jisong Kang, Jae-Wook Choi, Jungkyu Choi, Wooseok Yang, Seongmin Jin, Kyeongsu Kim, Jeong-Myeong Ha, Hyunjoo Lee, Ung Lee, Chun-Jae Yoo*, "Heterogeneous ruthenium pincer complex with structural expansion for efficient and reusable CO2 hydrogenation", submitted
(74) Seonmyeong Yu, Hyeyun Kim, Jaeho Shin, Junsu Kim, Hyungyu Cho, Sohyun Heo, Chun-Jae Yoo, Wooseok Yang, Hyesung Cho, Kwang Ho Kim, Ho Seok Park, and Kahyun Hur*, "Cellulose-based Gel Polymer in Lithium Metal Batteries", submitted
(73) Moehl Thomas*, Service Erin, Wooseok Yang, Tilley, S. David*, "Impedance Analysis of Multilayer Photoelectrochemical Devices", submitted
(72) Hong Won Tae, Li Yuankai, Kim Jaekyum, Kim Dokyum, Jaemin Park, Wooseok Yang, Park Jongwook, Lee Hanleem, Choi Chang Hyuck, Kim Byung-Hyun, Lee Chang-Lyoul, Kim Tae-Hoon, Kim Jung Kyu*, "Perovskite Quantum Dot for Boosting Solar Water Splitting", submitted
(71) Sohui Jang, Suhyun Choi, Sin Kwon, Hyuntae Kim, Jaemin Park, Jinsu Yoon, Jaeyoung Seok, Wooseok Yang*, Kyoohee Woo *, "Drying Efficiency and Electrochemical Performance via Flashlight Irradiation", submitted
(70) Jaewook Lee, Neul Ha, Jisu Jung, GwangHee Lee, Sunil V. Barma, Jae-Hwan Kim, Jung Kyu Kim, Sae Byeok Jo, Jin-Wook Lee, Wooseok Yang*, "Moderate-temperature fabrication of BaZrS3 thin films via dithiocarbamate-based solution processing and oxygen-sink boron sulfurization", J. Mater. Chem. A, 2025, Advance Article
- Themed collection: Journal of Materials Chemistry A Emerging Investigators 2025 -
- Themed collection: Journal of Materials Chemistry A HOT Papers -

(69) Jisu Jung, Neul Ha, Wooseok Yang*, "Beyond the Known: Emerging Insights into Cation Disorder in Multinary Compoundsr", accepted in ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces
(68) Youngeun Kim, Jaemin Park*, Jun Ho Seok, Junbeom Park, Jinsoo Yoon, Sang Uck Lee, Wooseok Yang*, "In situ Activation of Atomically Dispersed Rh in Layered Double Hydroxides for Efficient Hydrogen Evolution in Acidic Conditions", International Journal of Hydrogen Energy 110 (2024) 695–703

(67) Jaemin Park, Min Jae Kim, Youngeun Kim, Siyoung Lee, Sunghak Park*, Wooseok Yang*, "Insights into Bubble Dynamics in Water Splitting", ACS Energy Lett. 2025, 10, 212−237

(66) Su Hyun Choi, Sohui Jang, Hyuntae Kim, Jae Young Seok, Wooseok Yang, Seok Kim, Young Tae Cho, Sin Kwon*, Kyoohee Woo*, "Flashlight-Induced Ultrafast, Scalable Surface Activation of Highly Loaded Graphite Composite Anode", Small Methods 2024, 2401361

(65) Jaemin Park‡, JinHyeong Rhee‡, Youngeun Kim, Min Jae Kim, Junbeom Park, Sunil V. Barma, Jun Ho Seok, Sang Uck Lee, Eul-Yong Shin, Dong Su Kim, Hyung Koun Cho, Jin Young Kim, Sae Byeok Jo*, Hae Jung Son*, Wooseok Yang*, "10% Efficient Solar-to-Hydrogen Conversion via Ternary-Phase Organic Light Absorbers with Ni-Heazlewoodite Electrocatalysts", Carbon Energy, Accepted
(64) Seung Hun Roh, Eujin Kwak, Won Tae Hong, Chengkai Xia, Sungsoon Kim, Heeyeop Chae, Xu Yu*,
Wooseok Yang*, Jongwook Park, Jung Kyu Kim*, "Solution process based facile flame-boosted low valence transition metal doping on pristine oxide for highly enhanced photoelectrochemical solar water oxidation reaction", SusMat, 2025; 5:e253

(63) Achmad Buhori, Jae-Wook Choi, Hyunjoo Lee, Chang Soo Kim, Kwang Ho Kim, Kyeongsu Kim, Wooseok Yang, Jeong-Myeong Ha,*, Chun-Jae Yoo*, "Effect of CeO2 Morphology and Ru Impregnation method on CH4 Reduction in Polyethylene Waste Conversion to Liquid Fuels and Lubricants", Chemical Engineering Journal 499 (2024) 156097

(62) Gwanho Kim‡, Jae Young Seok‡, Yeon Uk Kim, Sin Kwon, Hyuntae Kim, Yu Mi Woo, Wooseok Yang, Jung Hwan Park*, Cheolmin Park* and Kyoohee Woo*, "Ultrafast and Scalable Fabrication of Cu–CuxO Nanostructures for Stabilizing Lithium Metal Anodes via Flashlight Irradiation", ACS Appl. Nano Mater. 2024, 7, 21250−21260

(61) Won Tae Hong, Minho Han, Yuankai Li, Jaekyum Kim, Jaeyoung Lee, Wooseok Yang*, Taekyung Yu*, and Jung Kyu Kim*, "Cobalt-doped Magnetite Overlayer on Mo-doped BiVO4 photoanode for Efficient Photoelectrochemical Water Oxidation", ACS Materials Lett. 2024, 6, 4168−4174

(60) Neul Ha, GwangHee Lee, Jaemin Park, Joo-Hong Lee, Jisu Jung, Sunil V. Barma, Jugyoung Kim, Ji Hoon Kim, Jung Kyu Kim, Seok Joon Kwon, Sang Uck Lee, Sohee Jeong, Sae Byeok Jo, Jin-Wook Lee, Wooseok Yang*, "Dithiocarbamate-based Solution Processing for Cation Disorder Engineering in AgBiS2 Solar Absorber Thin Films",
Adv. Energy Mater. 2025, 15, 2402099 (Back Cover)
1. 한국강사신문, 2024. 07. 27, '성균관대학교 양우석 교수, 황화물 소재 내 양이온 무질서도 제어하는 신기술 개발'
2. 뉴시스, 2024. 07. 24, '성균관대학교 양우석 교수, 황화물 소재 내 양이온 무질서도 제어하는 신기술 개발'
3. 뉴데일리경제, 2024. 07.24, '성균관대 양우석 교수, 용액 화학처리로 재료 성질 개선하는 신기술 개발'
4. 네이트 뉴스, 2024. 07.24, '성균관대 양우석 교수, 황화물 소재 내 양이온 무질서도 제어 신기술 개발'

(59) Jinsoo Yoon, Sohui Jang, Su Hyun Choi, Jaemin Park, Kwang Ho Kim, Ho Seok Park, Sunho Jeong, Sin Kwon, Kyoohee Woo*, Wooseok Yang*, "Deciphering the degradation mechanism of thick graphite anodes in high-energy-density Li-ion batteries by electrochemical impedance spectroscopy", J. Ind. Eng. Chem. 138 (2024) 424–431
1. 뉴데일리 경제, 2024. 08. 22, '성균관대 양우석 교수팀, 대용량 리튬이온 배터리의 성능 저하 원인 규명'
2. 뉴스티앤티, 2024. 08. 22, '성균관대 양우석 교수팀, 대용량 리튬이온 배터리의 성능 저하 원인 규명'
3. 유스라인, 2024. 08.22, '성균관대 양우석 교수팀, 대용량 리튬이온 배터리의 성능 저하 원인 규명'
4. 에듀동아, 2024. 08.22, '성균관대 양우석 교수팀, 대용량 리튬이온 배터리의 성능 저하 원인 규명'
5. 네이트 뉴스, 2024. 08.22, '성균관대 양우석 교수팀, '대용량 배터리' 성능 저하 원인 규명'

(58) Jung Woo Hong, Harpalsinh H. Rana, Jeong Hee Park, Jun Su Kim, Sang Joon Lee, Gun Jang, Tae Hoon Kang, Kang Ho Shin, Sang Ha Baek, Wooseok Yang, Kwang Ho Kim, Ju-Hyuk Lee and Ho Seok Park*, "High Na-ion conductivity and mechanical integrity of anion-exchanged polymeric hydrogel electrolytes for flexible sodium ion hybrid energy storage", SusMat., 2024;4:140-153

(57) Jaemin Park, Kwang Ho Kim, Dukjoon Kim, Jung Kyu Kim and Wooseok Yang,* "Designing Idealised Devices for Bias-Free Solar Water Splitting", Sustainable Energy Fuels, 2024, 8, 481-490
- Themed collection: Solar Fuels and Chemicals: Photocatalytic Water Splitting and CO2 Reduction -

(56) Jaemin Park, Thomas P. Shalvey, Thomas Moehl, Kyoohee Woo, Jonathan D. Major, S. David Tilley and Wooseok Yang,* "Impedance spectroscopy of Sb2Se3 photovoltaics consisting of (Sb4Se6)n nanoribbons under light illumination", Nanoscale, 2023, 15, 19757 - 19766
- Themed collection: Nanoscale 2024 Emerging Investigators -

(55) Pardis Adams, Ramon Schnyder, Thomas Moehl, Jan Bühler, Angel Labordet Alvarez, Mirjana Dimitrievska, Keith McKenna, Wooseok Yang,* and S. David Tilley* "Post-Synthetic Silver Ion and Sulfurization Treatment for Enhanced Performance in Sb2Se3 Water Splitting Photocathodes", Adv. Funct. Mater. 2023, 2310596

(54) Jaewook Lee, Wooseok Yang* "Recent progress in chalcogenide perovskites: toward low-temperature solution processing", Ceramist, 2023, 26, 17-31

(53) Jeiwan Tan, Xi Zhang, Jihye Suh, Neul Ha, Jaewook Lee, S. David TIlley*, Wooseok Yang* "Molecular ink-derived chalcogenide thin films: Solution-phase mechanisms and solar energy conversion applications", Materials Today Energy, 2023, 34, 101288

(52) Pardis Adams, Fabrizio Creazzo, Thomas Moehl, Rowena Crockett, Peng Zeng, Zbynek Novotny, Sandra Luber, Wooseok Yang*, S. David Tilley* "Solution phase treatments of Sb2Se3 heterojunction photocathodes for improved water splitting performance", Journal of Materials Chemistry A, 2023, 11, 8277

(51) Jaemin Park, Junwoo Lee, Hyungsoo Lee, Hayoung Im, Subin Moon, Chang-Seop Jeong, Wooseok Yang*, Jooho Moon* "Hybrid Perovskite-Based Wireless Integrated Device Exceeding a Solar to Hydrogen Conversion Efficiency of 11%", Small, 2023, 19, 27, 2300174

(50) Xi Zhang, Stephan Pollitt, Gihun Jung, Wenzhe Niu, Pardis Adams, Jan Bühler, Nora S. Grundmann, Rolf Erni, Maarten Nachtegaal, Neul Ha, Jisu Jung, Byungha Shin, Wooseok Yang*, and S. David Tilley* "Solution-Processed Cu2S Nanostructures for Solar Hydrogen Production", Chem. Mater., 2023, 35, 6, 2371

(49) Subin Moon, Jaemin Park, Hyungsoo Lee, Jin Wook Yang, Juwon Yun, Young Sun Park, Jeongyoub Lee, Hayoung Im, Ho Won Jang*, Wooseok Yang*, Jooho Moon* "Bi2S3-Cu3BiS3 Mixed Phase Interlayer for High-Performance Cu3BiS3-Photocathode for 2.33% Unassisted Solar Water Splitting Efficiency", Adv. Sci., 2023, 10, 2206286

(48) Peixun Xiong, Jeiwan Tan, Hongdae Lee, Neul Ha, Sang Joon Lee, Wooseok Yang*, and Ho Seok Park* "Two-dimensional carbon-based heterostructures as bifunctional electrocatalysts for water splitting and metal-air batteries", Nano Mater. Sci., 2022, in press

(47) Wenzhe Niu, Thomas Moehl, Pardis Adams, Xi Zhang, Robin Lefèvre, Aluizio M. Cruz, Peng Zeng, Karsten Kunze, Wooseok Yang, and S. David Tilley* "Crystal orientation-dependent etching and trapping in thermally-oxidised Cu2O photocathodes for water splitting", Energy Environ. Sci., 2022, 15, 2002-2010

(46) Juwon Yun, Jeiwan Tan, Young-Kwang Jung, Wooseok Yang, Hyungsoo Lee, Sunihl Ma, Young Sun Park, Chan Uk Lee, Wenzhe Niu, Jeongyoub Lee, Kyungmin Kim, S. David. Tilley, Aron Walsh,* and Jooho Moon* "Interfacial Dipole Layer Enables High-Performance Heterojunctions for Photoelectrochemical Water Splitting", ACS Energy Lett., 2022, 7, 1392-1402

(45) Jaemin Park, Hyunseok Yoon, Dong-Yeop Lee, Su Geun Ji, Wooseok Yang, S. David Tilley, Myeong-Chang Sung, Ik Jae Park, Jeiwan Tan, Hyungsoo Lee, Jin Young Kim*, Dong-Wan Kim*, Jooho Moon*, " Photovoltaic powered solar hydrogen production coupled with waste SO2 valorization enabled by MoP electrocatalysts", Appl. Catal. B: Environ., 2022, 305, 121045

(44) Xi Zhang, Wooseok Yang*, Wenzhe Niu, Pardis Adams, Zhenbin Wang, S. David Tilley* “Thiol-amine-based
Solution Processing of Cu2S Thin Films for Photoelectrochemical Water Splitting”, ChemSusChem, 2021, 14, 3967

(43) Hang Chen, Jingguo Li, Wooseok Yang, Christos K. Mavrokefalos, Greta R. Patzke* “The role of surface
states on reduced TiO2@BiVO4 photoanodes: Enhanced water oxidation performance through improved charge
transfer processes”, ACS Catalysis, 2021, 11, 13, 7637-7646

(42) Wooseok Yang, Xi Zhang, S. David Tilley* “Emerging Binary Chalcogenide Light Absorbers: Materials
Specific Promises and Challenges”, Chem. Mater., 2021, 33, 3467-3489

(41) Jeiwan Tan, Wooseok Yang, Hyungsoo Lee, Jaemin Park, Kyungmin Kim, Oliver S. Hutter, Laurie J. Phillips,
Sanggi Shim, Juwon Yun, Youngsun Park, Jeongyoub Lee, Jonathan D. Major, and Jooho Moon* “Surface
restoring of polycrystalline Sb2Se3 thin films by conjugated molecules enabling high onset potential
photocathodes for photoelectrochemical water splitting”, Applied Catalysis B – Environmental, 2021, 286, 119890

(40) Wooseok Yang, Thomas Moehl, Erin Service, S. David Tilley* “Operando Analysis of Semiconductor
Junctions in Multi-Layered Photocathodes for Solar Water Splitting by Impedance Spectroscopy”, Advanced
Energy Materials, 2021, 11 (9), 2003569

(39) Wooseok Yang‡, Jaemin Park‡, Hyeok-Chan Kwon‡, Oliver S. Hutter, Laurie J. Phillips, Jeiwan Tan,
Hyungsoo Lee, S. David Tilley, Jonathan D. Major and Jooho Moon* “Solar water splitting exceeding 10 %
efficiency via low-cost Sb2Se3 photocathodes coupled with semitransparent perovskite photovoltaics”, Energy &
Environ. Sci. 2020, 13, 4362-4370

(38) Hyungsoo Lee, Wooseok Yang, Jeiwan Tan, Jaemin Park, Sanggi Shim, Youngsun Park, Juwon Yun,
Kyungmin Kim and Jooho Moon* “High-performance phase-pure SnS photocathodes for photoelectrochemical
water splitting obtained via molecular ink-derived seed-assisted growth of nanoplates”, ACS Appl. Mater.
Interfaces, 2020, 12, 15155-15166

(37) Jihoon Ahn, Sunihl Ma, Ji-Young Kim, Jihoon Kyhm, Wooseok Yang, Jung Ah Lim, Nicholas A. Kotov*, and
Jooho Moon* “Chiral 2D Organic Inorganic Hybrid Perovskite with Circular Dichroism Tunable Over Wide
Wavelength Range”, Journal of American Chemical Society, 2020, 142, 4206-4212

(36) Wooseok Yang‡, Jin Hyun Kim‡, Oliver S. Hutter, Laurie J. Phillips, Jeiwan Tan, Jaemin Park, Hyungsoo
Lee, Jonathan D. Major*, Jae Sung Lee*, and Jooho Moon* “Benchmark performance of low-cost Sb2Se3
photocathodes for unassisted solar overall water splitting”, Nature Communications, 2020, 11, 861

(35) Ramireddy Boppella, Jaemin Park, Wooseok Yang, Jaiwan Tan and Jooho Moon “Efficient Electrocatalytic
Proton Reduction on CoP Nanocrystals Embedded in Microporous P, N Co-Doped Carbon Spheres with Dual
Active Sites”, Carbon, 2020, 156, 529

(34) Jaemin Park, Wooseok Yang, Jeiwan Tan, Hyungsoo Lee, Ju Won Yun, Sang Gi Shim, Young Sun Park, and
Jooho Moon* “Hierarchal Nanorod-Derived Bilayer Strategy to Enhance Photocurrent Density of Sb2Se3
Photocathodes for Photoelectrochemical Water Splitting”, ACS Energy Lett., 2020, 5, 136

(33) Wooseok Yang, Rajiv Ramanujam Prabhakar, Jeiwan Tan, S. David Tilley, Jooho Moon “Strategies for Enhancing Photocurrent, Photovoltage, and Stability of Photoelectrodes for Photoelectrochemical Water Splitting”, Chem. Soc. Rev., 2019, 48, 4979

(32) Wooseok Yang and Jooho Moon “Rapid Advances in Antimony Triselenide Photocathodes for Solar Hydrogen Generation” Journal of Material Chemistry A, 2019, 7, 20467-20477

(31) Hyungsoo Lee†, Wooseok Yang†, Jeiwan Tan, Yunjung Oh, Jaemin Park, and Jooho Moon, “Cu-doped NiO as an Effective Hole Selective Layer for High Performance Sb2Se3 Photocathode for Photoelectrochemical Water Splitting”, ACS Energy Letters, 2019, 4(5), 995 (co-first author†)

(30) Jeiwan Tan, Wooseok Yang, Yunjung Oh, Hyungsoo Lee, Jaemin Park, Ramireddy Boppella, Joosun Kim and Jooho Moon, “Fullerene as a photo-electron transfer promoter enabling stable TiO2-protected Sb2Se3 photocathodes for photoelectrochemical water splitting”, Advanced Energy Materials, 2019, 9(16), 1900179 (Inside Front Cover)

(29) Jaemin Park, Wooseok Yang, Yunjung Oh, Jeiwan Tan, Hyungsoo Lee, Ramireddy Boppella, Jooho Moon, “Efficient Solar to Hydrogen Conversion from Neutral Electrolytes using Morphology-Controlled Sb2Se3 Light Absorbers”, ACS Energy Letters, 2019, 4, 517

(28) Yunjung Oh, Wooseok Yang, Jeiwan Tan, Hyungsoo Lee, Jaemin Park, Jooho Moon, “Boosting Visible-Light Harvesting in p-type Ternary Oxides for Solar-to-Hydrogen Conversion using Inverse Opal Structure” Advanced Function Materials, 2019, 29(17), 1900194

(27) Rami Reddy Boppella, Jeiwan Tan, Wooseok Yang, Jooho Moon, “Homologous CoP/NiCoP Heterostructure on N-Doped Carbon toward Highly Efficient and pH-Universal Hydrogen Evolution Electrocatalysis”, Advanced Functional Materials, 2018, 29, 1807976

(26) Wooseok Yang, Jooho Moon, “Recent Advances in Earth-Abundant Photocathodes for Photoelectrochemical Water Splitting”, ChemSusChem, 2019, 12(9), 1889, Invited review

(25) Rami Reddy Boppella, Wooseok Yang, Jeiwan Tan, Hyeok-Chan Kwon, Jaemin Park, Jooho Moon, “Black Phosphorus Supported Ni2P Co-catalyst on Graphitic Carbon Nitride Enabling Simultaneous Boosting Charge Separation and Surface Reaction”, Applied Catalysis B: Environmental, 2019, 242, 422

(24) Wooseok Yang, Hyeok-Chan Kwon, Jeiwan Tan, Hyungsoo Lee, Jaemin Park, Yunjung Oh, Seungmin Lee, Hyunyong Choi, Jooho Moon, “Time-Resolved Observation of Photo-Generated Charge Carrier Dynamics in Sb2Se3 Photocathodes for Photoelectrochemical Water Splitting”, ACS Nano, 2018, 12, 11088

(23) Wooseok Yang, Jihoon Ahn, Yunjung Oh, Jeiwan Tan, Hyungsoo Lee, Jaemin Park, Hyeok-Chan Kwon, Juran Kim, William Jo, Joosun Kim, Jooho Moon, "Adjusting the anisotropy of 1D Sb2Se3 nanostructures for highly efficient photoelectrochemical water splitting", Advanced Energy Materials, 2018, 8, 1702888 (Front Cover)

(22) Jeiwan Tan, Wooseok Yang, Yunjung Oh, Hyungsoo Lee, Jaemin Park, Jooho Moon, "Controlled Electrodeposition of Photoelectrochemically Active Amorphous MoSx co-catalyst on Sb2Se3 Photocathode", ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 2018, 10 (13), 10898

(21) Hyeok-Chan Kwon, Wooseok Yang, Daehee Lee, Jihoon Ahn, Eunsong Lee, Sun Ihl Ma, Kyungmi Kim, Seongcheol Yun, Jooho Moon, "Investigating Recombination and Charge Carrier Dynamics in One-Dimensional Nanopillared Perovskite Absorber", ACS Nano, 2018, 12, 4233

(20) Yunjung Oh, Wooseok Yang, Jeiwan Tan, Hyungsoo Lee, Jaemin park, Jooho Moon, "Photoelectrodes based on 2D Opals Assembled from Cu-Delafossite Double-Shelled Microspheres for Enhanced Photoelectrochemical Response", Nanoscale, 2018, 10, 3720

(19) Jimin Kim†, Wooseok Yang†, Yunjung Oh, Hyungsoo Lee, Seonhee Lee, Hyunjung Shin, Joosun Kim, Jooho Moon, “Self-Oriented Sb2Se3 Nanoneedle Photocathodes for Water Splitting Obtained by Simple Spin-Coating Method” Journal of Materials Chemistry A, 2017, 5, 2180 (co-first author†)

(18) Shoyebmohamad F. Shaikh, Hyeok-Chan Kwon, Wooseok Yang, Rajaram Mane, Jooho Moon, "Performance enhancement of mesoporous TiO2-based perovskite solar cells by ZnS ultrathin-interfacial modification layer" Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 2018, 738, 405

(17) Yunjung Oh, Wooseok Yang, Jimin Kim, Sunho Jeong, Jooho Moon, ”Enhanced Photocurrent of Transparent CuFeO2 Photocathodes by Self-Light-Harvesting Architecture” ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 2017, 9(16), 14078

(16) Jimin Kim, Wooseok Yang, Yunjung Oh, Joosun Kim, Jooho Moon, “Template-directed fabrication of vertically aligned Cu2ZnSnS4 nanorod arrays for photoelectrochemical applications via a non-toxic solution process” Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 2017, 691, 457

(15) Jihoon Ahn, Eunsong Lee, Jeiwan Tan, Wooseok Yang, Bokyung Kim, Jooho Moon “A New Class of Chiral Semiconductors: Chiral-Organic-Molecule-Incorporating Organic-Inorganic Hybrid Perovskites”, Materials Horizons, 2017, 4(5), 851

(14) Wooseok Yang, Yunjung Oh, Jimin Kim, Myung Jin Jeong, Jong Hyeok Park, Jooho Moon, “Molecular Chemistry Controlled Hybrid-ink Derived Efficient Cu2ZnSnS4 Photocathodes for Photoelectrochemical Water Splitting” ACS Energy Letters, 2016, 1, 1127

(13) Wooseok Yang, Yunjung Oh, Jimin Kim, Hyunchul Kim, Hyungjung Kim, Jooho Moon, “Photoelectrochemical Properties of Vertically-Aligned CuInS2 Nanorod Arrays Prepared via Template-Assisted Growth and Transfer” ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 2016, 8(1), 425

(12) Hongseuk Lee, Areum Kim, Hyeok-Chan Kwon, Wooseok Yang, Yunjung Oh, Daehee Lee, Jooho Moon, “Retarding Crystallization during Facile Single Coating of NaCl-incorporated Precursor Solution for Efficient Large-area Uniform Perovskite Solar Cells” ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 2016, 8(43), 29419

(11) Shoyebmohamad F. Shaikh, Hyeok-Chan Kwon, Wooseok Yang, Hyewon Hwang, Hongseuk Lee, Eunsong Lee, Sun Ihl Ma, Jooho Moon, “La2O3 Interface Modification of Mesoporous TiO2 Nanostructures Enabling Highly Efficient Perovskite Solar Cells” Journal of Materials Chemistry A, 2016, 4(40), 15478

(10) Yunjung Oh, Wooseok Yang, Jimin Kim, Kyoohee Woo, Jooho Moon, “Aqueous Solution-Phase Selenized CuIn(S,Se)2 Thin Film Solar Cells Annealed under Inert Atmosphere” ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 2015, 7(40), 22570

(9) Yulim Won, Areum Kim, Wooseok Yang, Sunho Jeong, Jooho Moon, “A highly stretchable, helical copper nanowire conductor exhibiting a stretchability of 700%” NPG Asia Materials, 2014, 6, e132

(8) Yulim Won, Areum Kim, Donggyu Lee, Wooseok Yang, Kyoohee Woo, Sunho Jeong, Jooho Moon, “Annealing-free fabrication of highly oxidation-resistive copper nanowire composite conductors for photovoltaics” NPG Asia Materials, 2014, 6, e105

(7) Kyoohee Woo, Youngwoo Kim, Wooseok Yang, Kyujin Kim, Inhyuk Kim, Yunjung Oh, Jin Young Kim, Jooho Moon, “Band-gap-graded Cu2ZnSn(S1-x,Sex)4 Solar Cells Fabricated by an Ethanol-based, Particulate Precursor Ink Route” Scientific Reports, 2013, 3,: 3069

(6) Sunho Jeong, Ji-Yoon Lee, Sun Sook Lee, Yeong-Hui Seo, So-Yun Kim, Jang-Ung Park, Beyong-Hwan Ryu, Wooseok Yang, Jooho Moon, Youngmin Choi, “Metal salt-derived In–Ga–Zn–O semiconductors incorporating formamide as a novel co-solvent for producing solution-processed, electrohydrodynamic-jet printed, high performance oxide transistors” Journal of Materials Chemistry C, 2013, 1(27), 4236

(5) Wooseok Yang, Keunkyu Song, Yangho Jung, Sunho Jeong, Jooho Moon, “Solution-deposited Zr-doped AlOx gate dielectrics enabling high-performance flexible transparent thin film transistors” Journal of Materials Chemistry C, 2013, 1(27), 4275

(4) Keunkyu Song, Wooseok Yang, Yangho Jung, Sunho Jeong, Jooho Moon, “A solution-processed yttrium oxide gate insulator for high-performance all-solution-processed fully transparent thin film transistors” Journal of Materials Chemistry, 2012, 22(39), 21265

(3) Chang Young Koo, Keunkyu Song, Yangho Jung, Wooseok Yang, Seung-Hyun Kim, Sunho Jeong, Jooho Moon, “Enhanced Performance of Solution-Processed Amorphous LiYInZnO Thin-Film Transistors” ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces, 2012, 4(3), 1456

(2) Yangho Jung, Wooseok Yang, Chang Young Koo, Keunkyu Song, Jooho Moon, “High performance and high stability low temperature aqueous solution-derived Li–Zr co-doped ZnO thin film transistors” Journal of Materials Chemistry, 2012, 22(12). 5390

(1) Yangho Jung, Tae Hoon Yeo, Wooseok Yang, Youngwoo Kim, Kyoohee Woo, Jooho Moon, “Direct Photo patternable OrganicInorganic Hybrid Materials as a Low Dielectric Constant Passivation Layer for Thin Film Transistor Liquid Crystal Displays” Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 2011, 115(50), 25056
DOI: 10.1039/C1JM10791G